Here, you can find links to some of others DSM systems projects.
Software Based DSM
 | IVY: Developed by Kai Li and Paul Hudak at Yale University.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1988; |
 | user level modules on top of the modified Aegis OS on the Apollo Domain workstations; |
 | 1Kbyte page; |
 | MRSW (multiple readers-single writer) semantic; |
 | write-invalidation protocol; |
 | sequential consistency with 3 algorithms: the improved centralized manager, the fixed
distributed manager, and the dynamic distributed manager; |
 | 1Kbyte. |
 | Bibliography:
 | Kai Li and Paul Hudak. "Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual memory Systems".
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Volume 7 Number 4, November 1989, pp. 321-359. |
 | Mermaid: ZHOU90
 | Characteristics:
 | 1990; |
 | first heterogeneous environment (HDSM); |
 | SUN/Unix workstations and DEC Firefly Multiprocessors; |
 | user level as a library package, with minor changes to the SunOS; |
 | sequential consistency; |
 | 1Kbytes, 8Kbytes; |
 | invalidation coherence protocol. |
 | Bibliography:
 | S. Zhou, M. Stumm, and T. McInerney. "Extending Distributed Shared Memory
to Heterogeneous Environments". Proc. 10th Int'l Conf. Distributed
Computing Systems, IEEE CS Press, Los Alamitos, Calif., 1990, pp. 30-37.
 | Hrunting:
Developed at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, by
Jason A. Crawford and Clark M.
 | Characteristics:
 | release consistency (RC); |
 | granularity of virtual memory page; |
 | multiple writer protocol and invalidate mechanism; |
 | runs on Linux Clusters (Beowulf). |
 | Bibliography:
 | Jason A. Crawford and Clark M. Mobarry. "Hrunting: A Distributed Shared Memory
System for the Beowulf Parallel Workstation", Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace
Conference 1998 (in press).
 | Munin:
Developed at the Rice University, by John K. Bennett and John. B. Carter.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1991; |
 | 16 processor prototype, SUN-3 workstations with Ethernet network; |
 | RC (Release Consistency) model; |
 | multiple coherence protocols; |
 | write-shared protocols; |
 | update-with-timeout (delayed) mechanism; |
 | twinning (on the first write) and create diffs; |
 | runtime system implementation, with a preprocessor that converts the program
annotations, a modified linker, some library routines and OS support. |
 | Bibliography:
 | J.K. Bennett, J.B. Carter, and W. Zwaenepoel. "Munin: Distributed shared
memory using multi-protocol release consistency". In Operating Systems of
the 90s and Beyond, A.I. Karshner and J. Nehmer, editors, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Springer-Verlag LNCS 563, pp. 56-60, 1991. |
 | J.B. Carter, J.K. Bennett, and W. Zwaenepoel. "Implementation and
performance of Munin". In Proceedings of the 13th Symposium on Operating
System Principles, pp. 152--164, Oct. 1991.
 | Midway:
Developed in the School of Computer Science
at Carnegie Mellon University by Brian N. Bershad, Matthew J. Zekauskas and Wayne A. Sawdon.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1993; |
 | MIPS R3000 DEC stations under MachOS 3.0 connected via an ATM network or Ethernet
network; |
 | EC(Entry Consistency) based, supports multiple consistency models (processor, release,
entry); |
 | set of keywords and functions calls, compiler, and runtime system; |
 | update mechanism; |
 | object based; |
 | utilizes Mach's low-overhead network interfaces to reduce message latency. |
 | Bibliography
 | Brian N. Bershad, Matthew J. Zekauskas and Wayne A. Sawdon. "The Midway Distributed
Shared Memory System". Proceedings of the IEEE CompCon Conference,
1993. A version of the paper can also be found in CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-93-119. |
 | Brian N. Bershad, Matthew J. Zekauskas and Wayne A. Sawdon. "The Midway Distributed
Shared Memory System". Proceedings of the IEEE CompCon Conference,
1993. A version of the paper can also be found in CMU Technical Report CMU-CS-93-119.
 | TreadMarks:
Developed at the Rice University, by Pete Keleher, Sandhya Dwarkadas and Willy Zwaenepoel.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1994; |
 | 8 DEC station 5000/240s connected with 100Mbps ATM network and 10Mbps Ethernet network; |
 | SunOS using SPARCstation-1's and -2's connected by a 10Mbps Ethernet; |
 | LRC (Lazy Release Consistency) model; |
 | multiple writer protocol; |
 | twinning (on the first write) and create diffs (postponed until next acquire); |
 | use invalidation based protocol; |
 | user level (Unix standard libraries). |
 | Bibliography:
 | Cristiana Amza, Alan L. Cox, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Pete Keleher, Honghui Lu, Ramakrishnan
Rajamony, Weimin Yu, and Willy Zwaenepoel. "TreadMarks: Shared Memory
Compution on Networks of Workstations". IEEE Computer, Volume 29,
number 2, pp.18-28, February 1996; |
 | Pete Keleher, Sandhya Dwarkadas, Alan L. Cox, and Willy Zwaenepoel. "TreadMarks: Distributed Shared
Memory on Standard Workstations and Operating Systems". Proceedings of
the Winter 94 Usenix Conference, pp. 115-131, January 1994.
 | Blizzard: Developed at
the University of Wisconsin-Madison, by Ioannis Schoinas, Babak Falsafi,
Alvin R. Lebeck, Steven K. Reinhardt, James R. Larus and, David A. Wood.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1994; |
 | user level with modifications to OS kernel; |
 | uses Tempest; |
 | 3 variants: Blizzad-S, Blizzard-E (ECC) and Blizzard-ES (uses Blizzard-E for read and
Blizzard-S for write). |
 | Bibliography:
 | Ioannis Schoinas, Babak Falsafi, Alvin R. Lebeck, Steven K. Reinhardt, James R. Larus
and David A. Wood. "Fine-grain Access Control for
Distributed Shared Memory". (The Sixth International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS VI), Oct.
1994; also appears in "Distributed Shared Memory: Concepts and Systems", by
Jelica Protic, Milo Tomasevic, Veljko Milutinovic, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1997).
 | Quarks:
 | C Region Library (CRL):
Developed at MIT by Kirk L. Johnson, Joseph Adler and Sandeep K.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1995; |
 | two platforms: the Thinking Machines CM-5, a commercial multicomputer, and the MIT
Alewife machine, an experimental multiprocessor offering efficient support for both
message passing and shared memory; |
 | user level library. |
 | Bibliography:
 | Coherent Virtual Machine (CVM):
Developed at the University of Maryland, by Pete Keleher, Dejan Perkovic and Kritchalach Thitikamol.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1996; |
 | 4 memory models: single- and multiple-writer versions of lazy release consistency (LRC),
sequential consistency (SC), and eager release consistency (ERC); |
 | multi-threading support; |
 | currently runs on several different UNIX-like systems, including Sparcs, the IBM SP-2,
Digital UNIX running on DEC Sables, and Linux and FreeBSD on Intel platforms; |
 | freely available. |
 | Bibliography:
 | Mirage: Developed by Mirage Research Group at UC Riverside under the direction of Professor Brett Fleisch.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1996; |
 | run on a cluster of IBM PS/2 class machines; |
 | executes System V Posix-compliant shared memory programs; |
 | paged segmentation scheme; |
 | latest work with highly available DSM systems, using AINT simulation package from the
University of Colorado; |
 | now pursuing a more comprehensive analysis of source code based on the techniques used
in the Microkernel study. |
 | Bibliography:
 | Marc Allan Co. "Microkernel Operating Systems: Comparisons and Analysis".
M.S. Thesis, June 1997, 100 pages. |
 | Sachin K, Shah. "Fault Tolerance and Scalability in DSM Coherence
Protocols - A Simulation Approach". M.S. Thesis, June 1997, 94 pages. |
 | David Choweller. "Enhancements to Synchronization Mechanisms for
Distributed Systems". M.S. Thesis, March 1997, 102 pages. |
 | Bill Schroeder. "The Architecture of the Oasis Mobile Shared Virtual
Memory System". M.S. Thesis, June 1996, 172 pages. |
 | Cheryl DeMatteis. "The Design of Reliable Mirage+". M.S.
Thesis, March 1996. 155 pages.
 | SHRIMP multicomputer prototype
developed at Princeton University.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1996
 | ADSM: Developed at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, by Luiz Monnerat and Ricardo Bianchini.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1997; |
 | 8-node IBM-SP2 system; |
 | based on TreadMarks; |
 | page-based Lazy Release Consistency protocol; |
 | pages can be categorized as falsely-shared, migratory, or producer/consumer(s); |
 | categorization and adaptation strategies, called SPC (Sharing Pattern Categorization). |
 | Bibliography:
 | In Portuguese: L. R. Monnerat. "Efficiently Adapting to Sharing Patterns
in Software DSMs". MSc thesis, COPPE Systems Engineering, Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro. December 1997. |
 | L. R. Monnerat and R. Bianchini. "Efficiently Adapting to Sharing
Patterns in Software DSMs". Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International
Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA98), Feb 1998. Earlier version
published as Technical Report ES-425/97, COPPE Systems Engineering, Federal University of
Rio de Janeiro, March 1997.
 | BRAZOS: Developed by members of the the
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department (John K. Bennett, Evan Speight, Hazim Abdel-Shafi and Amy Brock) at Rice
 | Characteristics:
 | 1997; |
 | x86 machines running Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 3, and Windows NT 5.0 beta; |
 | supports 100Mbps Ethernet, 1Gbps Ethernet, GigaNet ATM, and ServerNet; |
 | Winsock and VI messaging; |
 | tested on 200 MHz Pentium Pro and 300 MHz Pentium II multiprocessor machines; |
 | page-based; |
 | software-only implementation scope consistency (supports also release consistency); |
 | use multithreading and selective multicast; |
 | several adaptive runtime performance tuning mechanisms: dynamic copyset reduction, early
updates, an adaptive page management protocol, and a performance history mechanism. |
 | Bibliography:
 | Distributed Inter-Process Communication
(DIPC): Developed by Kamran Karimi and some
contributors at Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1998; |
 | works in heterogeneous Linux (x86, m68k and half-finished port to Alpha) environment; |
 | strict consistency; |
 | uses System V IPC.
 | Shared Virtual Memory
Library for clustered PC's (SVMlib/Win32): Developed by Thomas Bemmerl, Karsten Scholtyssik, Sven M. Paas and
Peter Oertelt at Lehrstuhl für Betriebssysteme,
Aachen, University of Technology (RWTH).
 | Characteristics:
 | 1998; |
 | page-based; |
 | Bibliography:
 | Sven M. Paas, Marcus Dormanns, Thomas Bemmerl, Karsten Scholtyssik, Stefan Lankes.
"Computing on a Cluster of PCs: Project Overview and Early Experiences".
1st Workshop
Cluster-Computing, TU Chemnitz-Zwickau, November 6-7, 1997.
 | Millipage:
Developed by a team at Distributed Systems
Lab., at the Computer Science Faculty in
the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology.
 | Characteristics:
 | 1998; |
 | uses a Win32 library; |
 | memory mapping to eliminate false sharing; |
 | strict (sequential) memory consistency model; |
 | uses a Myrinet switch. |
 | Bibliography:

Hardware Based DSM
 | FLASH developed at Stanford University. |