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marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Simulação Comandada por Programa na Avaliação de Coerência de Cache em Sistemas Multiprocessadores". International Congress on Information Engineering, 2., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. Anais, 1995. pp.282-290. 
marker SANTOS, C. S.; KOFUJI, S. T.; MARTINS, C. A. P. S.
"Um Simulador de Redes de Interconexão Regulares em Malha Tridimensional – SIM3D".  Conferência Latino – Americana de Informática, 21, 1995. Anais, 1995. 
marker MORENO, E. D. O.; MARINO, M.D.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Influência das Mudanças da Estrutura de Dados no Falso Compartilhamento em Sistemas Multiprocessadores: Um Estudo de Caso". International Congress of Information Engineering. 2., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. Proceedings, 1995. pp.43-52. 
marker MORENO, E. D.; GLAUCO, S. M; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Estudo Comparativo de 'Benchmarks' Utilizados na Avaliação de Arquiteturas Paralelas". International Congress of Information Engineering, 2., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. Proceedings, 1995. pp.260-290. 
marker MORENO, E. D.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Performance of The Sequential Prefetching on a Multiprocessor System using Petri Net". International Congress on Information Engineering. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 2., Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1995. Proceedings , 1995. pp.271-280 
marker MORENO, E. D.; GLAUCO, S. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Simulação Comandadas por Programa na Avaliação de Gerência de Cache em Sistemas Multiprocessadores". Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1995. Proceedings, 1995. pp.281-290. 
marker MORENO, E. D.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Performance Evaluation of the Fixed Sequential Prefetching on a Bus-Based Multiprocessor: Preliminary Results". International Symposium on Parallel Architectures, Algorithms and Networks. Beijing, China, 1996. Proceedings, 1996. pp.487-493. 
marker TORRES D., M. X. & KOFUJI, S. T.
"A Distributed Barrier Synchronization Solution in Hardware for 2D-Mesh Multicomputers". International Symposium on High Performance Computing. India, 1996. Proceeding, . IEEE Computer Society, 1996. pp.368-373 
marker LEE, S. S., KOFUJI, S. T.
"Controle de Largura de Banda Dinâmica para Transmissões Múltiplas para Redes de Alta Velocidade". International Symposium in Informatics Applications – INFONOR’96., 9., Anfogasta, Chile, 1996. Proceedings, Universidad Catolica del Norte, 1996. pp.81-88. 
marker DELGADO, M. X. T.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Performance Evaluation of the Barrier Synchronization Solutions on the AP1000". Sixth Parallel Computing Workshop.- PCW’96, Kawasaki, Japan. 1996. Proceedings, Kawasaki, Japan, 1996. pp.P2-D-1 a P2-D-4. 
marker BARRETO, C. A., ZUFFO J. A., KOFUJI, S. T.
"Automated Optical Inspection System for Printed Circuit Boards". IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. Proceedings. Guimarães – Portugal. 1997. pp.56-64. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T. 
"Using Synthetic Workload to Evaluate Large Shared Tertiary Caches. SSM Multiprocessors". IASTED – International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN’97). Proceedings. Singapore, 1997. pp.89-93. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. P. S.; KOFUJI, S. T.; ORDONEZ, E. D. M.
"An Image Manipulation Method in Communication Systems". International Congress on Information Engineering. Proceedings. St. John’s, Canada, 1997. pp.129-132. 
marker MARTINS, A. S. P.; ZUFFO, J. A.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"A New Method for Image Storage, Transmission and Display in Digital Visual Communication Systems". International Congress on Information Engineering. Proceedings. Buenos Aires, Argentina. 1997. pp.254-262. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"A Qualitative Evaluation for Shared Network Caches on Cluster-Based Multiprocessor". International Congress on Information Engineering . Proceedings. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997.pp.67-76. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. S. P.; ORDONEZ, E. D. M..; KOFUJI, S. T.
A VLSI Architecture for Image Reconstruction. Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. Proceedings. St. John’s, Canada, 1997. pp.129-132. 
marker MARINO, M. D.; KOFUJI, S. T. 
"An Evaluation of the Amount of Data Transmitted by the Programs Gauss and Water Submitted to Pulsar DSM System without and Update Time-out Mechanism". International Congress on Information Engineering. Proceedings. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997. pp.77-86. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Effect of Bandwidth on Hardware- Based Sequential Prefetching in Bus-Based Multiprocessor". International Congress on Information Engineering. Proceedings, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997. pp.59-66. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Efficiency of Remote Access Caches in Future SMP-based CC-based CC-NUMA Multiprocessors" (accepted for publication). International Parallel Architecture, Algorithms and Networks. (ISPAN’97) . Proceedings. Taipei. Taiwan, ROC, 1997. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. S. P.; ZUFFO, J. A.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Image Reconstruction Circuit Using a New Reconstruction Technique". Brazilian Symposium on Integrated Circuit Design. Proceedings. Gramado, R.S., Brasil, 1997. pp.135-144. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Impact of L2-Cache Size Variations on Efficiency of Remote Caches in High-Performance Multiprocessors". International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems (PDCS-97), 10., Proceedings. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 1997. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. P.; ZUFFO, J. A. ; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Improved Image Reconstruction Based on Original Sampling Theorem". International Congress on Information Engineering. Proceedings. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1997. pp. 247-253. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. S. P.; ZUFFO, J. A..; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Real Time Image Reconstructor ASIC". Aero Visual Information Processing. AEROSENSE’97 – SPIE, 6., Orlando, Florida, USA, 1997. pp.251-261. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M..; KOFUJI, S. T.
"Studying Remote Caches in CC-Numa Multiprocessors with Critical Programs: LU, RADIX and OCEAN". Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, 25., Brasília – DF, Brasil. Anais. 1997 Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. 1997. pp.378-46. 
marker TORRES, M. X. D.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"The Barrier Synchronization Impact on the MPI-Programs Performance Using a Cluster of Workstations" (accepted for publication). International Symposium on Parallel Architecture, Algorithms and Networks. Proceedings. Taipei, Taiwan, ROC, 1997. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. S. P.; ORDONEZ, E. D. M.; KOFUJI, S. T.
"The Jagged Effect in Raster Images. Reconstruction Error". Aero Visual Information Processing – Aerosense 97 – SPIE, 6., Orlando, Florida – USA, 1997. pp.230-239. 
marker ORDONEZ, E. D. M. KOFUJI, S. T.; MARTINS, C. A. S. P.
"Tolerating Medium Latencies on Data Caches with Hardware-Based Prefetching". Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. St. John’s, Canada, 1997. pp.540-543. 
marker MARTINS, C. A. S. P.; ZUFFO, J. A.; KOFUJI, S. T.; ORDONEZ, E. D. M.
"True Causes of Jagged Effect in Image Display Raster Devices: Reconstruction Error". Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. St. John’s, Canada, 1997. pp.540-543.

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