This image was created with 3D Studio/POV/FD Painter/PhotoShop. Thanks to Raquel Gompy for giving me a hand"...
My colection of rocks: a ruby, an aquamarine and an emerald.

"Além do Azul": an 30 sec. animation that won the 3rd prize in SibGraphi 1994.
Here are three prodution stills: some Maple leaves, some birds and the jeans from the final scene.

As Cidades Invisíveis, a one-minute animation still in production.
take a look at the opening scene.

I have also some miscellaneous pictures:
a scene from the movie The Wall, some Olympic Medals and a typical scene when I'm trying to fix something in my house.

Take a look in some of the best pictures I have ever seen created in computers:

For more information (and works) about Computer Graphics:

The The Povray's Hall Of Fame images.
The Silicon Graphics Web server
The Algorithm Computer Graphics page, a very good resource for CG fanatics!
The Yahoo index of Computer Art related pages
Athomas Pages, with lots of his great works.
3D Studio stuff page
Photoshop tips and Tricks
Some Art projects developed in our Lab.
The LSI Animation projects.

If you have any sugestion, comments, etc. please e-mail me.