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dicelib.h File Reference

This is the main header. More...

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struct  dice_func
struct  dice_type

Type functions

#define DICE_no_types   DICE_Type DICE_MyTypes[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
typedef dice_type DICE_Type
int DICE_type_free (char *type, void *data)
char * DICE_type_pack (char *type, void *data, int *n)
 Packs a variable. More...

void * DICE_type_unpack (char *type, char *packet, int *n)
DICE_Type DICE_MyTypes []

DICE attributes

typedef enum dice_attributetype DICE_AttributeType
 Typedef encapsulation.

enum  dice_attributetype {
 Attributes of DICE API.. More...

int DICE_set_attribute (DICE_AttributeType t, void *value)
 Sets an attribute value. See enum for list. More...

void * DICE_get_attribute (DICE_AttributeType t)
int DICE_is_original (void)


int DICE_init (int *argc, char **argv)
 Inits the library. More...

void DICE_close (void)

Sync functions

int DICE_sync (void)
 Synchronizes the applications. More...

int DICE_sync_new (char *name, char *type, void *value)
 Creates a new synchronized variable. More...

int DICE_sync_delete (char *name)
 Internal: Deletes an existing synchronized variable. More...

int DICE_sync_update (char *name, void *value)
void * DICE_sync_get (char *name)
void * DICE_sync_get_next (char *name)
 Get the content of the next update. More...

Async functions

int DICE_async_new (char *name, char *type, void *value)
int DICE_async_delete (char *name)
int DICE_async_update (char *name, void *value)
void * DICE_async_get (char *name)
int DICE_async_lock (char *name)
int DICE_async_unlock (char *name)


#define DICE_no_functions   DICE_Function DICE_MyFunctions[] = { NULL, NULL };


typedef dice_func DICE_Function


int DICE_function (void *data)


DICE_Function DICE_MyFunctions []

Detailed Description

This is the main header.

Bruno Barberi Gnecco <>

Definition in file dicelib.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum dice_attributetype

Attributes of DICE API..

Enumeration values:
LIBVERSION   Library version.
VERBOSE   Sets the verbose level.\ Minimum = 0, Maximum = 3.\ Default: 1.
PORT   Port used to connect
MAX_CONNECTIONS   Max concurrent connections (see listen())
OUTPUT   Error file
COLOR   Output color codes

Definition at line 45 of file dicelib.h.

Function Documentation

int DICE_init int * argc,
char ** argv

Inits the library.

This function must be called before any other DICE function. Recognized arguments are:

  • --dice-client-num [number]: expect number clients. If used with a rc file, spawn number clients.
  • --dice-client-only: do not start client.
  • --dice-control-is [name]: use name as control server name.
  • --dice-control-only: do not start control.
  • --dice-environment [env]: set the \env environment in the clients. Useful for X11 remote display.
  • --dice-no-rc: don't read rc file.
  • --dice-spawn [type]: type of spawning. /c Type is either none, rsh, ssh or bproc. The default is rsh.
  • --dice-original: only original node can update.
  • --dice-output [file]: output error messages to file. The default is stderr.
  • --dice-port [port]: use port as port. The default is 6748.
  • --dice-verbose [level]: set verbose level to level.
DICE_init "cleans" argc and argv, taking out all arguments that are used.
argc   pointer number of arguments.
argv   pointer to the arguments.
Return values:
0   OK
-1   error.

Definition at line 83 of file init.c.

int DICE_set_attribute DICE_AttributeType t,
void * value

Sets an attribute value. See enum for list.

t   Attribute type.
value   Attribute value, cast to void *.
See also:
Return values:
0   OK
-1   error.

Definition at line 368 of file init.c.

int DICE_sync void

Synchronizes the applications.

What it does:

  • Send SYNC packet
  • Send VARIABLE_SYNC packets
  • Send READY
  • Wait for packets: get VARIABLE_SYNCs, get SYNC
  • Send READY
  • Wait for CONTINUE packet
Return values:
0   OK
-1   error.

Definition at line 515 of file sync.c.

int DICE_sync_delete char * name

Internal: Deletes an existing synchronized variable.

Deletes an existing synchronized variable. Takes care of memory deallocation.

name   The variable name.
Return values:
0   OK.
-1   error.
-2   Variable does not exist.
-3   You do not have permission to delete variables.
See also:

Definition at line 381 of file sync.c.

void* DICE_sync_get_next char * name

Get the content of the next update.

Long description

name   The variable name.
See also:
Old variable content(cast to void *), or NULL if error.

Definition at line 647 of file sync.c.

int DICE_sync_new char * name,
char * type,
void * value

Creates a new synchronized variable.

Long description

name   The variable name.
type   The variable type. Must be previously registered.
value   The variable value, converted to void *.
See also:
DICE_type_register, dice_sync_delete.
Return values:
0   OK.
-1   error.
-2   Variable already exists.
-3   You do not have permission to create variables.

Definition at line 360 of file sync.c.

char* DICE_type_pack char * type,
void * data,
int * n

Packs a variable.

Process a variable data of type type, and returns a string, and the length of this string in the pointer n. The type must have been previously registered. The user is responsible for freeing the returned string.

type   Variable type name.
data   Data to pack.
n   Pointer to an int, will contain the size of the string returned.
See also:
DICE_type_register. dice_unpack.
The packed variable in a string, and its size in n.

Definition at line 225 of file type.c.

Generated at Sun Dec 9 16:13:18 2001 for dicelib by doxygen1.2.9.1 written by Dimitri van Heesch, © 1997-2001