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Books and Chapters of Books

marker ASSUMPÇÃO Jr., J.M., KOFUJI, S. T..
Bootstrapping the Object Oriented Operating System Merlin: Just Add Reflection. In "Advances in Object-Oriented MetaLevel Architectures and Reflection", chap. 5, Edited by Chris Zimmermmann, CRC Press, New York, 1996. NY, USA, 1996. pp73-87. 
marker ORDONEZ, E.D.M..; KOFUJI, S. T.
Pre-fetching and Multithreading Performance in Bus-Based Multiprocessors with Petri Nets Lectures Notes in Computer Science, 1300, Christian Lengauer, Martin Griebl, Sergei Gorlatch, Springer – Verlag, Germany , 1997 . pp. 1380. 
marker ORDONEZ, E.D.M..; KOFUJI, S. T.
Tuning shared network cache size in Clusters-based multiprocessors Lectures Notes in Computer Science , 1277, pp.454. Edited by : Victor Malyshkin , Ed.: Springer – Verlag. Germany, 1997

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