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Student Volunteer Picture The Conference History Booth, where Maurício helped as a student volunteer. Here, more photos of old machines shown at the booth
The University of São Paulo's booth. On the left side we have the SPADE cluster and on the right side we have the ARIA Project. the '98 booth
the '98 booth Another view of the booth. The cluster has 4 nodes of Alpha 21164 533MHz and 4 nodes of Pentium II 450MHz.
Our group at the IBM party, at Museum of Flight. From left to right: MsC. Rispoli, Ph.D. Sipahi, Ph.D. Marcio Lobo, Kenji, Ph.D. Kofuji, Ph.D. Edward, Andréa, Ph.D. Zuffo, and Maurício. IBM Party
Waiting for transport After the dismantling, waiting for the transport. From left to right: MsC. Rispoli, Ph.D. Marcio Lobo, MsC. Volnys, Ph.D. Kofuji, Ph.D. Sipahi, Ph.D. Zuffo, Matteo (bottom), Allan (Elebra), Andréa, Ph.D. Edward
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