Beowulf Underground -- central source of information on Beowulf Computing: |
http://beowulf-underground.org |
PAPERS -- custom hardware that allows a cluster of unmodified PCs and/or workstations to function as a fine-grain parallel computer capable of MIMD, SIMD, and VLIW execution: |
http://garage.ecn.purdue.edu/~papers |
Avalon -- T-CNLS DEC/Alpha Cluster running Linux:
Extreme Linux: |
http://www.extremelinux.org |
A Comprehensive Bibliography of Distributed Shared Memory: |
http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~rasit/dsmbiblio.html |
MACHINES -- Commodity Supercomputing |
http://www.xtreme-machines.com |
SCL Cluster Cookbook |
http://www.scl.ameslab.gov/Projects/ClusterCookbook |
The Cluster Cookbook Home Page from The Portland Group, Inc. (PGI) |
http://www.pgroup.com/ClusterCookbook |
Linux Parallel Processing HOWTO: This document provides an overview of how to use multiple processors to speed-up execution of an individual program. Use of SMP Linux systems, clusters of networked Linux systems, and attached (parallel) processors hosted by Linux, are all discussed: |
http://yara.ecn.purdue.edu/~pplinux/pphowto.html |
Parallel ProCessing using Linux |
http://suparum.rz.uni-mannheim.de/Linux/parallel |
NIH LoBoS Supercomputer Home Page --- an implementation of a Beowulf class computer, using Linux and 10,100 Gigabit Ethernet Drivers |
http://www.lobos.nih.gov |
The SHRIMP (Scalable, High-Performance, Really Inexpensive Multi-Processor) Project. The computing nodes of SHRIMP are Pentium PCs (Linux), and the routing network is the same one used in the Intel Paragon |
http://www.CS.Princeton.edu/shrimp |
ParaScope: A Listing of Parallel Computing Sites |
http://computer.org/parascope |
Internet Parallel Computing Archive |
http://www.hensa.ac.uk/parallel/index.html |
Parallel I/O Archive. This archive contains information about parallel I/O research. Most of the coverage relates to parallel file I/O |
http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/pario/ |
Parallel Tools Projects Around the World: This page points to descriptions of parallel tool projects around the world |
http://www.ptools.org/projects.world.html |
Supercomputing and Parallel Computing Research Groups: |
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/research-groups.html |
Concurrent Systems |
http://www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/concurrent.html |