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marker How to request an account
Fill out the Account Submission Form. You can download the text file, fill out and send by email or fill out the electronic form ). As soon as you have approved your submission, we will send by email the login name and temporary password. Please change the password as soon as possible, because the temporary password will expire in 7 days.
marker How to Access the system
You can access the system by telnet directly one specific workstation. For instance, you can access the system making telnet to However, the best way is to access the system by telnet to the system name, e.g., The system implement some "single system image" features. In this way, the "virtual server system" will choice one of the available workstations, trying to provide the best load balance. 

Users outside LSI-EPUSP must access the system using ssh (the program is available in, in order to guarantee security and privacy.

marker How to print a file
On LINUX Workstations you can use the command lpr -Pprinter, where printer could be Portinari, Monet
marker How to configure your session
In the Linux Workstations and Clusters, the default sh is bash. Please specify the preferred sh when you fill out the Submission Form.
marker How to back up your  files 
Periodically the administrator backup the server files. However, if you need or would like to back up your files on your own, you can do that in several medias, such as floppy disk, zip, jaz or tape. Please consult the user support person or read the faqs /how-tos in the documents page.

Using the System

marker Using the Workstations
You can access the Workstations locally or remotely. In the workstations, you can edit programs, compile and debug, as well as accessing Internet.
marker Using the Cluster's Processing Nodes
After the preliminary program development phase, you can submit jobs on the processing nodes you have received access. You can do this in several ways: using Job Schedulers such as Easy, PBS, or Clustor, or even access directly by rsh, telnet or rsh commands. Do not forget to setup your environment. For instance, several communication libraries and applications require specific environment setup.
Mailing List
marker users-list (registration)
marker developers-list (registration)
marker adm-list (registration)

using the system


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important e-mails

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