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How do I configure the privileges to Brazos users?

First, you need to know that actually the Brazos can only be executed in domain environment. Thus, the machines that are part of a workgroup are not supported by the 'Remote Access Service'. 

As said before, it's necessary to give certain privileges to the Brazos users. So, in this example, assume a domain called DOMAIN, a local machine called MACHINE and that all the users are domain users and not local machine users. 

Create a user account on DOMAIN and give a secure password. Assume that this account is called 'brazos' and that the password is 'passwd'. The Brazos service will be executed on the context of this account. 

On each MACHINE it's necessary to give privileges to the account 'brazos' on DOMAIN, following these steps:

Execute the program "User Manager For Domains" (or "User Manager" if you are using Windows NT Workstation), choosing "Start Programs Administrative Tools"; 
Select "User Select Domain" on the menu and enter with the MACHINE name (ATTENTION!: the actual machine name, not DOMAIN name); 
Again, on the menu, select "Policies User Rights";
When the "User Rights Policy" dialog box appears, click on "Show Advanced User Rights";
Give to DOMAIN\brazos account the following user rights:
Act as part of the OS
Increase quotas
Logon as a service
Replace a process level token
For each user that will run Brazos processes, give also to DOMAIN\username account the "Logon as a service" right, or create a group with this permission and insert all the users to this group.

1. Steps to Follow | 2. How to Obtain | 3. Requirements | 4. Installing Step by Step
6. Remote Access | 7. executing GUI | 8. Brazos on SPADE II

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