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How do I execute the Brazos GUI?

Finally, to run the Brazos GUI (Graphic User Interface), you only have to execute 'brazos.exe' that is at 'gui' directory.

To use the Brazos GUI, the user name and its password is required on a login window. Then, on the menu "File New Configuration" the user can configure the session, choosing: the path of the program that will be executed in parallel, the application arguments, the machines that will run it and the number of processors that each machine will use, and the adaptive and statistics options. 

ATTENTION!: the name of the user executable file must be given by the "network path name", that is, although the user program is local, it's necessary to give the complete path, including the machine name. For example, "\\MACHINE\brazos\apps\lu\lu.exe".

More information about the GUI can be obtained on this site:

And, more information about the Brazos adaptive characteristics and options can be obtained on "Efficient Runtime Support for Cluster-Based Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors" thesis, on this site:

1. Steps to Follow | 2. How to Obtain | 3. Requirements | 4. Installing Step by Step
5. Configuring Brazos | 6. Remote Access |  8. Brazos on SPADE II

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