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How do I execute programs with Brazos on SPADE-II?

If you do not have an account on the ORION-NT cluster of SPADE-II, ask for an account, and if you only do not have permission to use Brazos, send an e-mail with the request to, or or

With the account on ORION-NT cluster of SPADE-II and with the permission to use Brazos, the user must request for a Terminal Server Client software and install it on your machine in order to remotely access the nodes ORION09 to ORION16 of the ORION-NT cluster. 

Using the Terminal Server Client, the user can use the graphic screen of the choosen node to run the Brazos GUI. This can be done by the icon on the desktop of all the nodes, or by choosing "Start Programs Brazos Brazos User Interface". To use the graphic interface of Brazos, follow the step 7.

1. Steps to Follow | 2. How to Obtain | 3. Requirements
4. Installing Step by Step | 5. Configuring Brazos | 6. Remote Access | 7. executing GUI

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