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SPADE II Administrator is a GUI tool that helps the administrator to easily administrate and manage manage the cluster. This tool provides an extensive set of
Graphical User Interface to:

marker Parallel Unix command to all nodes 
marker Parallel Unix command to all nodes
marker Operation of all nodes 
marker Cluster Partition
marker Partition Calendar
initial Commands Operation
It is possible to configure the commands more used by means of buttons. All the commands may or may not output into screen, depending on the need. Customized command is allowed. You can select one or more nodes or a partition to receive the parallel commands. 

Cluster Partition
You can create, edit or remove a partition defined by group, by user or by cluster. With that resource, you can define which user might use the nodes defined for that partition
scheduler Partition Calendar
That is an additional resource, incorporated in the versions above 2.00, in that, the hour, day, month, year, week day they are controlled, the user can use the partition allowed to him.
It is a software of easy operation, implantation and modification depending on the needs of the administrators. Based on tkperl, needs the following packages: 


The program was tested in the following : 

Red Hat LINUX 5.X e 6.X 
Kernel 2.0.3X e 2.2.X 


Version 2.10 - May 1999 
Version 2.00 - April 1999 
Version 1.20 - March 1999 
Version 1.10: January 1999 
Version 1.00: January 1999 
Version 0.10: December_1998

DELTA | CMagic | CMon | PARIS

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