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Cluster Monitoring System

Cluster Monitoring System is a scripts group, written in perl 5, that it generates a page HTML, for each cluster, presenting the status of the processing nodes. The main script executes
through the crond. 
marker CMon monitors:
Condition of CPU;
Condition of each partition of HD;
Memory free;
Condition of remote access; 
marker Possibility of using the kit LedSign writing in java;
marker Possibility of several modifications and complements, simply increasing a script perl.
marker It is a script of easy operation, implantation and modification depending on the needs of the administrators.
Server Workstations Cluster Aquila Cluster Omega Cluster Alpha Cluster Orion
marker The errors or problems of each node are indicated with a click of the mouse in the colored rectangle. He will open a new page as this: 
marker The program was tested in the following environment: 
Red Hat Linux 6.X
Kernel 2.2.X
Netscape 4.XX
marker History
Version 0.20: August 1999
Version 0.11: July_1999
Version 0.10: June_1999

DELTA | CMagic | Cluster Administration | PARIS

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