DELTA is a package developed to calculate band structures and related properties of semiconductors superlattices by the Self-Consistent Effective-Mass (k.p) Method [1,2,3]. Although DELTA was first developed to treat delta-doping superlattices in GaAs it is quite general. Any material or alloy with calculated Luttinger parameters is suitable to be used in the calculations and an isolated well can be obtained by calculating a very large supercell.
The alpha release of DELTA, to appear soon, can calculate self consistently any non-strained superlattices. Strain is also intended to be included in this released version.
DELTA was developed by Guilherme Sipahi in Fortran90/HPF and is in his personal pre-alpha version.
DELTA was named upon the first systems that were calculated with the Self-Consistent Effective-Mass (k.p) Method (GaAs delta-doping superlattices).
Some results: |