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Solid State Physics
This project is a collaboration between Laboratory of Integrated Systems (EPUSP) and The Laboratory of New Semiconductor
Materials (IFUSP) to apply the SPADE-II Parallel Supercomputer in High Performance Computing Physics and Engineering.
Two different branches are being held now: 
DELTA - A Self Consistent Effective-Mass (k.p) Method to Calculate Band Structure and Related Properties 
Ab Initio parallel calculations using the WIEN97 code 
marker Computer Graphics
ARIA - This Project aims to implement a virtual actors environment to enhance human-machine interaction, based on New York University research
PARIS - Parallel Rendering System.
marker Database Systems
RODES - Replication On Demand System for Parallel and Distributed Data Bases.

Hardware Development | System Software
System Security and High Speed Networks
| Benchmarking | Other

DELTA | CMagic | CMon | Cluster Administration | PARIS

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